The Buck | The Book | The Ballot

It’s time for us to truly work together to develop policies that fix issues of today and prepare us for tomorrow!


Transform Education Systems
  • Support state implementation of student centered funding
  • Update assessment innovation program for greater flexibility 
  • Maximize departments that are underutilized 
  • Reform qualifications of independent student classification for college financial aid
  • Address the shortfall in career services to college students
  • Address the fundamentally flawed funding system for education in low-income communities
  • Allow more flexibility for parental decision on auxiliary services
  • Promote skill trade  certification for every high school graduate through apprenticeship and internship
  • Support instate tuition for DACA students
  • Allow Parents to choose the best educational setting for their children (School Choice)


Promote Small Business Growth
  • Increase R&D Investment in new technologies that grow underserved communities
  • Modify the classification for identifying micro small businesses
  • Support the reform & innovation of financial services 
  • Promote more pathways to entrepreneurship programs
  • Support innovation in STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math)


Voting & Reparations
  • Support universal voting education for youth and adults to include the roles of elected officials
  • Support collaboration of leaders and community to develop and implement measures of redress, repair and restitution for the descendants of Chattel Slavery in Georgia
  • Increase citizen engagement in multi-agency planning and implementation


Senior Citizens & People with Disabilities
  • Support affordable housing, home repairs, savings on health care needs, access to food, access to supportive services affordable legal guidance


Access to Great Healthcare
  • Allow doctors to treat patients according to their expertise
  • Hybrid private/public system that moves beyond the marketplace model 
  • Support expanding Medicaid  
  • Support measures to untie healthcare employment
  • Support full practice authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to the full extent of their education and training
  • Support the reduction in prescription drugs cost
  • Support expansion of telehealth
  • Advocate for reduction of food desert
  • Support a clear and concise policy to address COVID-19


Housing & Government Efficiency
  • Support pathways to homeownership
  • Promote tax savings accounts for down payment assistance, co-op housing
  • Ensure fairness for renters in living conditions and rental payments


Fair and Robust Justice System
  • Enhance programs to reduce  recidivism, incentivizing employers 
  • Emphasize rehabilitation in the justice system through intervention, job training, and therapy
  • Reform mandatory minimums, emphasize equal sentencing
  • Ensure the restoration of the right to vote for ex-felons
  • Address the blatant systemic racism in the justice system
  • Decriminalize Marijuana
  • Support increase in mental and substance abuse treatment programs
  • Support programs for children of incarcerated parents
  • Support more community members appointed to Community Supervision Board with voting privileges


Foster Global Stewardship
  • Push for better fair trade deals with nations
  • Promote more international relations which share common goals
  • Sanction or limit interaction and cooperation with nations that continually abuse and violate human rights 


Veteran Services
  • Support resources for veteran service organizations
  • Support the ability of veterans and their families to receive entitled benefits


Address Environmental Concerns
  • Introduce a smooth economic transition process to curb the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases to adequately address the climate crisis
  • Ramp up engagement in investment in carbon neutral efforts 
  • Promote more community sustainable efforts like recycling, solar power, and other renewable energies